Combat Oral Thrush Naturally: 10 Remedies to Consider
Saltwater Rinse: Rinse your mouth with a solution of warm water and salt several times a day. Saltwater helps to soothe oral thrush symptoms and may inhibit fungal growth.
Yogurt: Incorporate probiotic-rich yogurt into your diet. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, can help restore the natural balance of microorganisms in your mouth.
Garlic: Chew on raw garlic cloves or include garlic in your meals. Garlic contains allicin, a compound with antifungal properties that may help combat oral thrush.
Coconut Oil Pulling: Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes, then spit it out. Coconut oil has antifungal properties and may help reduce oral thrush symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and use it as a mouthwash several times a day. Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that can help fight oral thrush.
Gentian Violet: Apply gentian violet, an antifungal dye, to the affected areas of your mouth using a cotton swab. Use it sparingly and according to your healthcare provider’s instructions.
Tea Tree Oil: Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply it to the affected areas of your mouth. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties that may help alleviate oral thrush.
Baking Soda Rinse: Mix baking soda with water to create a paste and apply it to the affected areas of your mouth. Baking soda can help neutralize acidity and inhibit fungal growth.
Aloe Vera Gel: Apply pure aloe vera gel to the affected areas of your mouth. Aloe vera has soothing properties that may provide relief from oral thrush symptoms.
Proper Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Proper oral care can help prevent and manage oral thrush.
If your symptoms persist or worsen despite home remedies, consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment. They can recommend appropriate antifungal medications or other interventions to address oral thrush effectively.